Saturday, December 13, 2008

Human Purpose

As a human being, one's PURPOSE is to ENSURE the survival of the HUMAN RACE.

This is the truth that will unite humanity. My purpose is to bring humanity together as one. I know the truth. What I need to do is spread it.

God's plan is simply to test us. To see if we can survive in a harsh environment. To see if we can come together as one, in his name, and make a positive mark on the UNIVERSE as a whole. To create a utopia on earth, to reach for the heavens. To truly know the earth, and to explore space. To answer the small questions, and then to seek the big questions. Some day there may be a deeper question we are forced to answer: after our survival truly is trivial, as it can and should be. For now, it isn't, and it is our purpose to make it so. Because we can have eternal peace. We can have life be easy for everybody. We can spend our time looking at the stars and wondering how we can reach them.

But these days are in the future, after we know how to provide everything that an entire species of people needs, and how to keep an entire species of people happy.

A disclaimer. I AM NOT RELIGIOUS. I have never written the word God before EXCEPT to question his existence. But I came in contact. I felt the truth so powerfully, so fully, that there was no other explanation. I do not expect you to believe in God. I do not want you to until you feel the truth for yourself. Because to believe something you do not feel to be true is the greatest sin of all: the sin of allowing somebody else to think for you. Your mind is the greatest tool you have. Do NOT let it go to waste. Do not believe a word that is said to you unless you know it is true. If you are not happy, and want happiness, you must start from scratch. There is a lot to learn. And there are those who want to teach you. Be open minded, but do not trust blindly.

What WE as human beings need to do is reach an equilibrium with our environment. This includes other people. Every human being, no matter where they are from or what they believe, starts equal. The culture that raises them pulls them away from each other, until they believe that they are separate from every other person, when they are not. "Love your neighbor as yourself." Treat every man the same. Every man has a blank slate in your eyes. No preconceptions, no judgments.

If he is hateful, pity him. Hate is a very very lonely place to come from. It means that he has lost touch with his oneness, with his connectedness. He thinks he is a seperate entity in a harsh universe. He does not know the truth. He deserves your love as much as somebody who does know the truth. Because when we all know the truth, the human's of the world will be united in our common purpose. Do not meet hatred with hatred. You know the truth. You have no excuse. Live life in alignment with your truth, with your purpose, with love. Do not sway from your path when you meet somebody who blocks it. You are smarter than that. When you know where you need to go, the how will present itself to you. Know that violence does not serve your purpose, and that any act of violence moves you away from where you know you must go.

For the foreseeable future, simply improving the world one day at a time and convincing others to do the same is all you can be expected to do. If you do this, you are living in alignment with your purpose as a human being. Because violence, hatred, envy, war, these things have no place in humanity's future. They provide no answer, they simply bring us farther from our goal. Violent human beings are not happy. They know they are not happy. And they are always seeking happiness. They think that violence will bring them closer, that what they take through violence will make them happy. What they do not know is that NOTHING can make you happy when you are coming from a place of lack. And anything can make you happy when you are coming from a place of abundance. But abundance is not a physical concept. Abundance is knowing your own value. Abundance is knowing your purpose and living in aligment with it. Abundance is allowing love to flow from your being, spreading positivity and joy to everyone you come in contact with. Evil can not survive in the face of love.

Survival is the goal, and love is how to get there. Love is not just sex, is not just attachment to another human being. Living your life with love is KNOWING that your intentions are pure. That you want the absolute best for everybody in the world, for everybody you ever come in contact with. That you do not judge others, that your love is unconditional. Because love is the morality of LIFE.

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